Who We Are ?
Gear Doctors is a community-based company that specializes in the production of reliable outdoor gear. We put together our insight from decades worth experience with each product, as well as input gathered through research by team members who have extensive knowledge about what makes an enjoyable outdoors experience for all types of people (including you!).
Our goal can't simply be making something work; It must also feel satisfying to use and look great while doing so!

Gear Doctors philosophy
Modern life is confining, with responsibilities from work and family taking up so much time that it can be overwhelming. Everyone deserves a break to recharge themselves before going back into their everyday routine again-
this includes you!
Take some time for yourself by connecting with loved ones & mother nature; just make sure not too miss out on what's important in your world because of an over-saturation factor
A short escape might do wonders when we need our mental health most: allowing us the opportunity take stock of who are really want out there

Story of a life changing moment
Mike the Founder had a normal corporate life
way before gear doctors he used to think that,
camping & traveling are not for everyone,
and they are unnecessary leisure
during a hard time in his life things were overwhelming,
a friend of his invited him come along on a camping trip proposing it as the solution for his situation
he wasn't so convinced but he wanted to see his friend anyway so he accepted the invitation
Mike came back from the trip so energized, carrying with him an inner peace that he had never known before. It was like all of his worries and concerns melted away during this short vacation in nature's arms; leaving nothing but clear thoughts about life on earth
The experience Mike had while traveling abroad was amazing not only because it helped heal some wounds inside himself eventually leading up to better overall health but also made sure there are no regrets when coming home again
He realized that just like reading and meditation or exercise is essential for our well-being he wanted to do something in order inspire more people connect with nature by offering fellow outdoors lovers great products at affordable prices so they can improve their experience out there
The goal was clear: provide quality gear while staying true to the idea of sustainable living.
The company name stuck as it expressed what they were trying to promote.
Reconnecting man himself back into his natural habitat through high end durable goods with true customer service which has become increasingly rare over recent years.
That's how Gear Doctors was born,
to create ever-improving quality outdoors gear
together with the fellow outdoors lovers,
and to inspire more people to connect with nature

Experts from both worlds
All our products started with ideas from outdoors lovers,
Then with great help from professional production engineers to curate the right materials and produce in the most ethical/sustainable ways
We could translate such ideas into real products
Then products are tested for feedback from real-life situations to make improvements before mass productions